: :inin Kyiv (EET)

Thomas De Waal: No major geopolitical contestation in Karabakh conflict

Unlike other post-Soviet conflicts there is a political equilibrium in the Karabakh conflict, says Thomas De Waal, senior fellow with Carnegie Europe.
“There is no major geopolitical contestation in this conflict,” Waal said at an international conference in Yerevan on “Prospects of Peace in Nagorno Karabakh.”
According to him, the major powers are more interested in their bilateral interest with Baku and Yerevan rather than resolving the conflict
“The same applies to Russia. Russia’s main interest in this region is not based on this conflict, it’s based on its relationship with Baku and Yerevan.”
He said “there is a remarkably strong consensus between the …read more

Source: Public Radio of Armenia

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