: :inin Kyiv (EET)

Section: World Bulletin (Turkey)

    EU to extend sanctions on Russia by six months

    EU to extend sanctions on Russia by six months

    EU is set to maintain until March 15 sanctions targeted against almost 200 Russian firms & individuals, as well as Ukrainian separatists …read more Source: World...

    Ukraine far right ditches coalition, joins opposition

    Ukraine far right ditches coalition, joins opposition

    The far right party has left the coalition with the party leader Oleg Lyashko criticizing the Ukrainian leadership saying that granting regional powers was a conspiracy. …read more Source: World...

    Ukraine reels from clashes as second policeman dies

    Ukraine reels from clashes as second policeman dies

    Government blames ultra-nationalists for the unrest, saying they detonated a live grenade near the entrance to the parliament building …read more Source: World...

    Clashes as Ukraine MPs back more autonomy to rebels

    Clashes as Ukraine MPs back more autonomy to rebels

    Violent clashes erupt after parliament approves president-proposed Constitutional amendments regarding decentralization of power …read more Source: World...

    Ukraine MPs back giving more autonomy to pro-Russian east

    Ukraine MPs back giving more autonomy to pro-Russian east

    Ukrainian parliament approves constitution change giving more autonomy to separatist Donbas …read more Source: World...

    Bodies of two Crimean Tatar activists found

    Bodies of two Crimean Tatar activists found

    Since the Russian annexation of the Crimean peninsula, countless Crimean Tatar activists have been either killed or kidnapped, while those responsible have never brought to justice. …read more Source: World...

    NATO kicks off naval drills in Black Sea with Ukraine

    NATO kicks off naval drills in Black Sea with Ukraine

    Operation Sea Breeze, a naval drill between European NATO forces will be holding drills until mid-September. …read more Source: World...

    European leaders back ceasefire plan for eastern Ukraine

    European leaders back ceasefire plan for eastern Ukraine

    After a February ceasefire collapsed as a result of clashes, European leaders have backed a complete ceasefire with a summit to be held in coming weeks with Ukraine …read more Source: World...

    Ukrainian hostage freed in Afghanistan

    Ukrainian hostage freed in Afghanistan

    A Ukrainian who has been held prisoner in Afghanistan has been freed with help from Russia …read more Source: World...

    EU supports visa-free travel for Ukrainians

    EU supports visa-free travel for Ukrainians

    As Ukraine readies itself for entry into the EU, leaders have backed less restricted travel for Ukraine amid migration crisis in Europe …read more Source: World...