Tuesday, 25 March 2025
    : :inin Kyiv (EET)

POST-REVOLUTION ROMANIA, 1990: 30 years since creation of the Union of the Ukrainians of Romania

The Union of the Ukrainians of Romania (UUR) was established on December 29, 1989 and received the status of legal entity on February 14, 1990, according to the civil decision of the the Bucharest District 1 Court, shows the work ''Dictionar al partidelor si coalitiilor politice si al uniunilor etnice din Romania'' (Dictionary of Romania's political parties and coalitions as well as ethnic unions) published by ROMPRES (1993).

UUR is an organization with an ethnic, non-governmental and non-profit profile, with legal personality acquired under Law no. 246/2005, with full autonomy, which carries out its activity in accordance with the provisions of …read more

Source:: Agerpres

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