Wednesday, 26 March 2025
    : :inin Kyiv (EET)

For monthly fee of AMD 4000 Beeline`s subscribers will receive fixed  100MB/s internet

ArmInfo. Beeline Armenia has launched COMBO 4 Special services bundle. According to the press service of company for the monthly fee of AMD 4000 subscribers
receive fixed 100MB/s internet, 50 BeeTV channels, a new mobile
number with the code “033”, 5GB mobile internet, 50 minutes of free
calls to other mobile networks, unlimited calls to Beeline numbers
and 180 minutes of free calls to landline Beeline numbers.

“Recently Beeline has completed the largest and the most significant
modernization of landline network in the company’s history. Our
network is much more capable and we are happy to offer our customers
a …read more

Source:: Arminfo

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