: :inin Kyiv (EET)

Section: Japan

Russia’s actions in Ukraine ‘obstacle’ to improved ties with U.S.: Tillerson

Russia’s actions in Ukraine ‘obstacle’ to improved ties with U.S.: Tillerson

U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson in a phone conversation Sunday with Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko said Moscow’s actions in eastern Ukraine remain an obstacle to improved U.S.-Russian ties, the State Department said. “Secretary Tillerson phoned Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko today to discuss his recent trip to Moscow and...

Mine kills American OSCE monitor in Ukraine

Mine kills American OSCE monitor in Ukraine

An American member of the OSCE’s monitoring mission in eastern Ukraine died Sunday and two others were wounded when their vehicle was blown up by a mine in the separatist Luhansk region. The mission’s deputy head, Alexander Hug, said the member killed was from the U.S. and the two wounded are from Germany and the […] The post Mine...

Lobbyists tied to ex-Trump aides register as foreign agents

Lobbyists tied to ex-Trump aides register as foreign agents

A Washington lobbying firm that worked on a covert influence campaign in the U.S. under the direction of two former top campaign advisers to President Donald Trump has registered after the fact with the Justice Department as a foreign agent. It acknowledged its work could have principally benefited Ukraine’s government, led at the time by...

World › Tillerson demands NATO allies ramp up military spending

World › Tillerson demands NATO allies ramp up military spending

U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson pressed NATO allies Friday to ramp up military spending and denounced Russia’s “ongoing hostility and occupation” of Ukraine as the Trump administration toughened its tone toward Moscow. Russia declared itself “perplexed” by the comments from Tillerson, who met fellow NATO...

World › Trump’s son-in-law met with U.S. sanctioned Russian bank; will testify

World › Trump’s son-in-law met with U.S. sanctioned Russian bank; will testify

A Russian bank under U.S. economic sanctions over Russia’s incursion into Ukraine disclosed on Monday that its executives had met Jared Kushner, President Donald Trump’s son-in-law and a top White House adviser, during the 2016 election campaign. Kushner, 36, married to Trump’s daughter Ivanka Trump, has agreed to testify to…...

Ex-Russian lawmaker and key Kremlin critic who fled to Ukraine is gunned down outside Kiev hotel

Ex-Russian lawmaker and key Kremlin critic who fled to Ukraine is gunned down outside Kiev hotel

A former Russian lawmaker who became a vociferous critic of Moscow following his recent move to Ukraine was shot and killed Thursday in Kiev, prompting harsh words between the two neighboring countries. , who had testified to Ukrainian investigators and criticized Russian policies after his move to Kiev last fall, was shot dead by an […] The post...

Central Asia’s Offshoring Machine: From the US to Ukraine, via Kyrgyzstan

Central Asia’s Offshoring Machine: From the US to Ukraine, via Kyrgyzstan

Shutting down the machine would necessitate Washington owning up to its place in the cycle. …read more Source: The...

Ukraine lawmaker alleges Manafort tried to hide $750,000 in shady funds from pro-Russia party

Ukraine lawmaker alleges Manafort tried to hide $750,000 in shady funds from pro-Russia party

A Ukrainian lawmaker on Tuesday released a document that he said links Donald Trump’s former campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, to attempts to hide a $750,000 payment from a pro-Russia political party — a claim strongly denied by Manafort’s spokesman. Lawmaker Serhiy Leshchenko published a 2009 invoice purportedly signed by Manafort...

Paul Manafort and the Kyrgyz Connection

Paul Manafort and the Kyrgyz Connection

Who says a corruption scandal is ever really over? An old Kyrgyz banking scandal shows up in Manafort’s Ukraine dealings. …read more Source: The...

Crimea: When Is an Annexation Not Actually an Annexation?

Crimea: When Is an Annexation Not Actually an Annexation?

Three years ago, Russia formally annexed Crimea, citing a flawed referendum. …read more Source: The...