: :inin Kyiv (EET)

Section: Radio Bulgaria (Bulgaria)

    351 young people from Bulgarian communities abroad now students here

    351 young people from Bulgarian communities abroad now students here

    351 applicants from Bulgarian communities in Ukraine, Serbia, Kosovo, Kazakhstan and other countries are now entering universities in this country for the 2017/2018 academic year. 222 students come from Ukraine, 100 from Serbia, 27 – from Kosovo. The greatest number of them wanted to study medicine, computer science, economics, tourism, transport...

    Cor Caroli Regatta to start in Burgas

    Cor Caroli Regatta to start in Burgas

    About 50 sea yachts are going to join the Cor Caroli sailing regatta in the Black Sea. The participants are from Ukraine, Romania, Austria and Bulgaria. The demonstration race is due on 12 August in Burgas Bay from 1 PM and there will be an option to watch the show from the Sea Park. The official start of the regatta is on 13 August at Burgas Bay...

    International wrought iron workshop held in Oreshak

    International wrought iron workshop held in Oreshak

    An international wrought iron workshop is taking place for a first time on August 7 – 12th in the village of Oreshak, North Bulgaria and within the frames of the National Exhibition of Art and Crafts. Top blacksmiths from Bulgaria, England, Scotland, Holland and Ukraine are taking part in it. The foreign guests have different awards from other...

    Monasteries in the Central Balkan National Park – a breath of fresh air and a journey into the past

    Monasteries in the Central Balkan National Park – a breath of fresh air and a journey into the past

    There are no broad roads leading to the monasteries in the Central Balkan National Park. You might drive past them for years without knowing it, until one day fortuity, or curiosity, a glance at a beautiful landscape or an invitation from a friend might cause you to swerve from the beaten track and follow a narrow mountain road, leading up to a...

    Mobile application helps for revealing of illegal logging and law violations in forests

    Mobile application helps for revealing of illegal logging and law violations in forests

    Logging is a serious problem across Bulgarian forests which wouldn’t stop causing alarm among the society, as well as among environmentalists, foresters and state institutions. Data of environmental organizations says that some 1% of the forests are logged with annual revenues to the tune of around EUR 50 mln. Sometimes illegal logging...

    Talented Bulgarian children from all over the world receive awards in contests organized by State Agency for Bulgarians Abroad

    Talented Bulgarian children from all over the world receive awards in contests organized by State Agency for Bulgarians Abroad

    Bulgarians from all over the world gathered in the concert hall of the Military Club in Sofia to receive their awards for participation in art, literature and singing competitions organized by the State Agency for Bulgarians Abroad (SABA). The image of Bulgaria, as it is in children’s thoughts and dreams, is seen in 523 drawings coming from...

    “Sand Tales, 2017” sand sculpture festival in Bourgas open until end-September

    “Sand Tales, 2017” sand sculpture festival in Bourgas open until end-September

    A total of 21 sand sculpture artists from Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Poland, Ukraine, Turkey, Germany, Latvia, Portugal and Russia are displaying their works at the 10th Festival of Sand Figures – Sand Tales, 2017 – which opened in Ezero (Lake) park in Bourgas. This year’s festival is a retrospection of a kind, as it presents the...

    Reading books in the summer: the choices of Bulgarians

    Reading books in the summer: the choices of Bulgarians

    Talking to Horizont Channel of the Bulgarian National Radio, Lyudmila Elenkova from the leading chain of bookstores Helikon privides us with some insights about the Bulgarians’ choice of reading stuff this summer: “Camino Island by John Grisham is leading the Helikon charts and will most probably top sales this summer”, she says. “Camino...

    Day of Bulgarian Diplomatic Service marked on 19 July

    Day of Bulgarian Diplomatic Service marked on 19 July

    On 19 July 1879, Prince Alexander of Battenberg appointed the very first diplomatic agents in newly liberated Bulgaria. Those included Dragan Tsankov, Evlogi Georgiev and Dimitar Kirovich. 120 years later the Foreign Minister at that time Nadezhda Mihaylova declared July 19 the Day of the Bulgarian Diplomatic Service. With a three-day conference...

    Sofia worried by migratory pressure towards Italy

    Sofia worried by migratory pressure towards Italy

    At the Foreign Affairs Council meeting in Brussels, Bulgarian Foreign Minister Ekaterina Zaharieva expressed concern over the migratory pressure towards Italy in recent weeks and demanded that the EU put in place effective policies for the return and readmission of illegal immigrants, including by continuing the efforts for concluding the...