Sunday, 16 March 2025
    : :inin Kyiv (EET)

Section: (EU)

      Europe in the crossfire of words and aggressive gestures

      Europe in the crossfire of words and aggressive gestures

      Russia’s geopolitical intentions set it on a collision course with NATO. Has Europe been doing a good job of defending itself? NATO and Russia In her recent article “Russia – A Threat to European Security? A View from Germany”, Gabriele Schöler argues that NATO’s recent “counteraction” against Russia amounts to “provocative...

      EU Defence Union: The end of soft power?

      EU Defence Union: The end of soft power?

      Brexit, Trump, but also Macron’s victory have given fresh impetus to EU defence cooperation. Concrete initiatives were launched last week. After years of languishing in the long grass, the process of European defence cooperation has recently been kicked into top gear. Brexit, Donald Trump repeatedly calling into question US commitment to...

      Prime Minister Wilders: What could this mean for the EU?

      Prime Minister Wilders: What could this mean for the EU?

      How did a politician like Geert Wilders gain so much influence in a liberal country like the Netherlands and how much power will he really have after the 15 March election? On the afternoon of 6 May 2002, nine days before national elections, Dutch society was uprooted by the first political assassination in decades, if not centuries. The nation...

      Images projected on walls: Berlinale and the global political drama

      Images projected on walls: Berlinale and the global political drama

      What should be the role of an international film festival in these confusing and insecure times? Berlin’s recipe for addressing contemporary challenges This year there were additional controls at the entrance to the press centre of Berlin’s international film festival where the international jury press conference took place. Apart...