Saturday, 22 March 2025
    : :inin Kyiv (EET)

Section: Vatican Insider (Italy)

      Trudeau fa sponda con Merkel, nasce un fronte contro la Russia nel G7. E anche Boris Johnson frena

      Trudeau fa sponda con Merkel, nasce un fronte contro la Russia nel G7. E anche Boris Johnson frena

      “Mosca è stata esclusa dopo l’annessione della Crimea, non abbiamo ancora visto prove che sia cambiata”. Una tenaglia per Conte: allinearsi agli europei significa indispettire Trump …read more Source:: Vatican...

      Europei di tuffi a Kiev: Batki-Pellacani show, la piattaforma è d’oro

      Europei di tuffi a Kiev: Batki-Pellacani show, la piattaforma è d’oro

      Storica medaglia per l’Italia. Lorenzo Marsaglia festeggia il bronzo da 1m …read more Source: Vatican...

      “Moscow wants a pan-Orthodox meeting to overcome the Ukrainian crisis” 

      “Moscow wants a pan-Orthodox meeting to overcome the Ukrainian crisis” 

      No Orthodox Church has so far offered certificates of recognition to the new independent ecclesiastical structure established in Ukraine before the recent presidential elections. And this is a sign that the process of recognition of an Ukrainian “autocephalous” Church, independent from the Moscow Patriarchate, does not benefit from the “orthodox...

      Orthodoxy, the “Ukrainian schism” turns into a political match 

      Orthodoxy, the “Ukrainian schism” turns into a political match 

      The independent Ukrainian Orthodox Church has just seen the light, and is already being called in the match for the uncertain Ukrainian presidential elections scheduled for 31 March next. The outgoing president Petro Poroshenko co-starred and was a decisive sponsor of the entire process that ended on 6 January with the attribution of the “Tomos”...

      The Pope and the Orthodox “thorns” 

      The Pope and the Orthodox “thorns” 

      Pope Francis’ next trips on the agenda are fatally destined to cross the storm that is rocking the Orthodox Churches of Byzantine origin. A storm so far concentrated in Ukraine, but that could soon widen sucking into its vortex other lacerations – latent or acclaimed – already marking the body of the whole Orthodoxy…....

      “Without Putin, without Kirill”. Primate of the new Ukrainian Orthodox Church elected  

      “Without Putin, without Kirill”. Primate of the new Ukrainian Orthodox Church elected  

      The Primate of the new Ukrainian Orthodox Autocephalous Church, independent of the Patriarchate of Moscow, is Metropolitan Epiphany Dumenko, until now head of the Metropolitan of Pereyaslav and Bila Tserkva. An authoritative member and candidate supported by the bishops of the so-called “Patriarchate of Kiev”, an ecclesial structure created by...

      Divided Orthodox’s Wounded Christmas 

      Divided Orthodox’s Wounded Christmas 

      The past patronal feast of St Andrew (November 30), celebrated as every year in Istanbul by the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople, this time had as a “Stone Guest” the flood of political-ecclesial tensions surrounding the establishing of the autocephalous Ukrainian Orthodox Church, soon to be removed from the jurisdiction of...

      Bartholomew, “Ukraine has the right to be granted autocephaly” 

      Bartholomew, “Ukraine has the right to be granted autocephaly” 

      After the vespers in honour of St Andrew, patron saint of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople, Patriarch Bartholomew received an international Orthodox interparliamentary delegation of which 24 States are members, presided over by the Russian Gavrilof, who took part to the festivities. … …read more Source: Vatican...

      The Russian ambassador: great harmony with the Pope on Syria and Ukraine 

      The Russian ambassador: great harmony with the Pope on Syria and Ukraine 

      The call that Cardinal Pietro Parolin will make to Moscow at the end of the month, where he will meet President Vladimir Putin, “is a very important event, because in the world of today Pope Francis “is a very influential man”and “ he is very esteemed and very loved” by the Russian people: says the Russian Ambassador Alexander Avdeev at the Holy...

      Parolin: The West and Russia have to talk and understand each other 

      Parolin: The West and Russia have to talk and understand each other 

      “Prospects for a peaceful and democratic solution to the crisis should be put above any national or partisan interests”. Cardinal Pietro Parolin, Secretary of State, says in an interview with Italian newspaper Il Sole 24Ore. The Vatican “Prime Minister”, who visited Belarus in 2015 and Ukraine last year, will be in Moscow at the end of August,...