Monday, 24 March 2025
    : :inin Kyiv (EET)

Section: DutchNews(The Netherlands)

      Bone fragments found in Ukraine do come from MH17 victims

      Bone fragments found in Ukraine do come from MH17 victims

      Pieces of bone found in the vicinity of the MH17 plane crash in eastern Ukraine contain DNA material from seven… …read more Source:...

      Dutch senate approves Ukraine treaty; Brussels welcomes ‘important signal’

      Dutch senate approves Ukraine treaty; Brussels welcomes ‘important signal’

      As expected, the Dutch senate on Tuesday voted in favour of the controversial EU treaty with Ukraine thanks to the… …read more Source:...

      Dutch senators poised to back EU’s treaty with Ukraine in key vote

      Dutch senators poised to back EU’s treaty with Ukraine in key vote

      The Dutch senate is set to vote in favour of the controversial EU treaty with Ukraine on Tuesday thanks to… …read more Source:...

      Dutch sisters start rehearsals for Eurovision Song Contest

      Dutch sisters start rehearsals for Eurovision Song Contest

      The three Dutch sisters representing the Netherlands at next week’s Eurovision Song Contest have had their first rehearsal in Kiev… …read more Source:...

      Dutch take power ballad Lights and Shadows to Eurovision

      Dutch take power ballad Lights and Shadows to Eurovision

      The number which girl group OG3NE will perform for the Netherlands at this year’s Eurovision Song Contest in Kiev was… …read more Source:...

      Dutch lower house votes in favour of Ukraine treaty compromise

      Dutch lower house votes in favour of Ukraine treaty compromise

      As expected, the compromise struck between prime minister Mark Rutte and the European Commission was backed in the Dutch parliament… …read more Source:...

      Journalist images ‘don’t suggest more MH17 human remains’, says minister

      Journalist images ‘don’t suggest more MH17 human remains’, says minister

      Images and evidence collected in eastern Ukraine by a Dutch journalist who returned with a piece of bone from an… …read more Source:...

      Out of time: no Ukraine treaty vote before the election

      Out of time: no Ukraine treaty vote before the election

      The Dutch parliament will not take a decision about whether or not to ratify the EU’s treaty with Ukraine before… …read more Source:...

      Were the signatures calling for the 2016 Ukraine referendum genuine?

      Were the signatures calling for the 2016 Ukraine referendum genuine?

      The government does not know whether the 427,000 signatures calling for the controversial 2016 referendum on the Ukraine-EU trade treaty… …read more Source:...

      Anti-Ukraine treaty group takes Dutch government to court

      Anti-Ukraine treaty group takes Dutch government to court

      One of the groups behind last year’s referendum on the EU treaty with Ukraine is going to court on Friday… …read more Source:...