: :inin Kyiv (EET)

Section: NPR (Canada)

    Leaders Plan For New Minsk Summit On Ukraine

    Leaders Plan For New Minsk Summit On Ukraine

    A revival of peace talks in the capital of Belarus is aimed at resuscitating a widely violated truce agreed there in September.» E-Mail This …read more Source:...

    Merkel’s U.S. Visit Could Turn Testy

    Merkel’s U.S. Visit Could Turn Testy

    German Chancellor Angela Merkel will be in Washington, D.C., on Monday for talks with President Obama. The meeting could be a tense one, over differences in handling the crisis in Ukraine.» E-Mail This …read more Source:...

    How Should U.S., Europe Respond To Russian Aggression?

    How Should U.S., Europe Respond To Russian Aggression?

    Germany Chancellor Angela Merkel says there is no military solution, meanwhile Vice President Joe Biden says Ukraine should be able to defend itself.» E-Mail This …read more Source:...

    Merkel Hopes To Dissuade Obama From Arming Ukraine

    Merkel Hopes To Dissuade Obama From Arming Ukraine

    The German chancellor and her French counterpart, Francois Hollande, want to keep Washington from arming the rebels as part of a peace deal they are trying to forge.» E-Mail This …read more Source:...

    Jordan Signals Aggressive Campaign Against ISIS

    Jordan Signals Aggressive Campaign Against ISIS

    NPR’s Scott Simon talks with the Washington Post’s David Ignatius from the Munich Security Conference about Jordan’s response to the group known as ISIS and the worsening situation in Ukraine.» E-Mail This …read more Source:...

    Social Media Pages Give Vivid Glimpses Into Ukraine Conflict

    Social Media Pages Give Vivid Glimpses Into Ukraine Conflict

    Ukrainians are documenting the conflict with Russia online. NPR’s Scott Simon talks with the Wall Street Journal’s Paul Sonne about how once-lighthearted websites have become grim logs of destruction.» E-Mail This …read more Source:...

    Ukraine Crisis Tops Agenda At Munich Conference

    Ukraine Crisis Tops Agenda At Munich Conference

    Vice President Joe Biden and Secretary of State John Kerry are planning to meet with European leaders to discuss the crisis in Ukraine during this year’s Munich Security Conference.» E-Mail This …read more Source:...

    Brief Cease-Fire In Ukraine Lets Civilians Escape Renewed Fighting

    Brief Cease-Fire In Ukraine Lets Civilians Escape Renewed Fighting

    Buses were allowed to carry people out of harm’s way during a stay of hostilities, which have displaced some 1.6 million. Talks between Ukraine, Russia, Germany and France are to continue Sunday.» E-Mail This …read more Source:...

    Week In Politics: Prayer Breakfast, Ukraine, Measles

    Week In Politics: Prayer Breakfast, Ukraine, Measles

    E.J. Dionne of the Washington Post and David Brooks of The New York Times discuss President Obama’s prayer breakfast, politicians weighing in on arming Ukraine and measles immunizations.» E-Mail This …read more Source:...

    European Leaders Hope To Push Putin Toward Ceasefire In Ukraine

    European Leaders Hope To Push Putin Toward Ceasefire In Ukraine

    The leaders of Germany and France held talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow on Friday in a new attempt to stop the fighting in Ukraine.» E-Mail This …read more Source:...