Sunday, 16 March 2025
    : :inin Kyiv (EET)

Section: National Review (USA)

      It Took the Administration Allegedly Compromised by Russia to Finally Take This Welcome Step

      It Took the Administration Allegedly Compromised by Russia to Finally Take This Welcome Step

      The U.S. is finally providing lethal weapons to Ukraine, something that the Obama administration — which you’d now believe was on a constant Cold War footing, given the current anti-Russia feeling on the Left — never did. …read more Source: National...

      Chronicler of Evil

      Chronicler of Evil

      Anne Applebaum has written a new book, Red Famine: Stalin’s War on Ukraine. It is about the “terror-famine” of 1932–34. She has also written Gulag: A History and Iron Curtain: The Crushing of Eastern Europe, 1944–1956. As you can see, she does not pick the cheeriest of subjects. But she picks important ones, and she is utterly authoritative...

      Putin Isn’t Interested in Helping America

      Putin Isn’t Interested in Helping America

      Toward the end of his twelve-day trip to Asia, President Trump tweeted, “When will all the haters and fools out there realize that having a good relationship with Russia is a good thing, not a bad thing. There [sic] always playing politics — bad for our country. I want to solve North Korea, Syria, Ukraine, terrorism, and Russia can greatly...

      Mueller’s First Indictments

      Mueller’s First Indictments

      Robert Mueller has made his first strike. He indicted former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort and his associate Rick Gates, and reached a plea agreement with former Trump foreign-policy adviser George Papadopoulos. Between 2006 and 2015, Manafort and Gates worked as lobbyists for a Ukrainian political party that is a cat’s paw of the...

      The Day Gets Even More Interesting: Tony Podesta Steps Down From His Lobbying Firm

      The Day Gets Even More Interesting: Tony Podesta Steps Down From His Lobbying Firm

      The Paul Manafort indictment, released today, contained an easily-solved mystery. Who did Manafort work with in the United States to influence the American government? Here are paragraphs 20 through 22: 20. As part of the scheme, in February 2012, MANAFORT and GATES solicited two Washington, C., firms (Company A and Company B) to lobby in the...

      The Day Gets Even More Interesting: Tony Podesta Steps Down From His Lobbying Firm

      The Day Gets Even More Interesting: Tony Podesta Steps Down From His Lobbying Firm

      The Paul Manafort indictment, released today, contained an easily-solved mystery. Who did Manafort work with in the United States to influence the American government? Here are paragraphs 20 through 22: 20. As part of the scheme, in February 2012, MANAFORT and GATES solicited two Washington, C., firms (Company A and Company B) to lobby in the...

      A Guide to Understanding the Manafort Indictment

      A Guide to Understanding the Manafort Indictment

      For once, the Twitter speculation was mainly correct. When news broke Friday night that Special Counsel Robert Mueller had obtained an indictment, the smart money pegged former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort. After all, the FBI had raided Manafort’s home and widespread reporting indicated that he had complex and lucrative dealings...

      Communism, Memory and ‘Forgetting’

      Communism, Memory and ‘Forgetting’

      Writing in the New York Times, Bret Stephens takes aim at the curious mix of indulgence, amnesia and ignorance that envelops the subject of Communism. How many know the name of Lazar Kaganovich, one of Stalin’s principal henchmen in the [genocidal Ukrainian] famine [of 1932/33]? What about other chapters large and small in the history of...

      It’s 10 P.M., Do You Know Where America’s Troops Are?

      It’s 10 P.M., Do You Know Where America’s Troops Are?

      This week I began to worry that Senator Lindsey Graham isn’t as happy as he should be. He’s always been affable. And, rare for Washington, he’s sometimes intentionally funny. But I think he could have more job satisfaction. Graham is a long-serving member of the Senate Armed Services Committee and a committed hawk. He supports...

      The Organic Industry Is in Turmoil

      The Organic Industry Is in Turmoil

      Amazon’s acquisition of Whole Foods, the grocer that brought pricey organic food to the masses, comes during a time of turmoil in the organic industry: The Department of Agriculture is continuing to investigate the importation of millions of pounds of phony organic grains. The move is in response to a lengthy Washington Post exposé...