: :inin Kyiv (EET)

Section: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (USA)

    World Briefs: Diplomat tries to ease border tension

    World Briefs: Diplomat tries to ease border tension

    MOSCOW — Germany’s foreign minister, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, urged Moscow on Monday to reduce tensions with Ukraine after what Russian officials said was a border skirmish with Ukrainian forces in which two Russian soldiers died. …read more Source: Pittsburgh...

    Secret ledger in Ukraine lists cash for Donald Trump’s campaign chief

    Secret ledger in Ukraine lists cash for Donald Trump’s campaign chief

    KIEV, Ukraine — On a leafy side street off Independence Square in Kiev is an office used for years by Donald Trump’s campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, when he consulted for Ukraine’s ruling political party. His furniture and personal items were still there as recently as May. …read more Source: Pittsburgh...

    Ukraine puts troops on alert after Russia terror claim

    Ukraine puts troops on alert after Russia terror claim

    KIEV, Ukraine — Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko put his troops on the border with Crimea and in the country’s eastern regions on “high alert” after warning that Russia is seeking to reignite conflict in the disputed territories. …read more Source: Pittsburgh...

    Russia accuses Ukraine of igniting border clash in Crimea

    Russia accuses Ukraine of igniting border clash in Crimea

    MOSCOW — Russia on Wednesday accused Ukraine of preparing a series of terrorist attacks and of igniting border clashes on the disputed Crimean peninsula, the latest in a worrying trend of violent incidents along the line of contact between the two countries. …read more Source: Pittsburgh...

    Ukraine dispute absent from Orthodox synod agenda

    Ukraine dispute absent from Orthodox synod agenda

    Before the bloody conflict between Ukraine and Russia erupted in early 2014, costing thousands of lives and uprooting more than a million citizens, most Ukrainians didn’t pay much attention to internal church disputes about which bishop was loyal to which patriarch. …read more Source: Pittsburgh...

    As Orthodox leaders meet, Ukraine-Russia conflict festers

    As Orthodox leaders meet, Ukraine-Russia conflict festers

    Before the bloody conflict between Ukraine and Russia erupted in early 2014, costing thousands of lives and uprooting more than a million citizens, most Ukrainians didn’t pay much attention to internal church disputes about which bishop was loyal to which patriarch. …read more Source: Pittsburgh...

    Suspect arrested for alleged French soccer attack plot, Ukraine says

    Suspect arrested for alleged French soccer attack plot, Ukraine says

    MOSCOW — A French man apparently angered by the surge of Muslim migrants into Europe has been arrested trying to smuggle explosives and firearms for possible use in attacks during a major soccer tournament in France, officials in Ukraine said Monday. …read more Source: Pittsburgh...

    17 die in fire at home for elderly in Ukraine

    17 die in fire at home for elderly in Ukraine

    MOSCOW –– At least 17 people were killed when a fire broke out at a privately run home for the elderly outside the Ukrainian capital Kiev, authorities said Sunday. …read more Source: Pittsburgh...

    Russia frees imprisoned Ukrainian pilot in dramatic prisoner swap

    Russia frees imprisoned Ukrainian pilot in dramatic prisoner swap

    MOSCOW — Russia and Ukraine completed a high-level prisoner swap Wednesday, trading a Ukrainian helicopter pilot dubbed the country’s “Joan of Arc” for two Russian servicemen accused of being members of Russian military intelligence. …read more Source: Pittsburgh...

    Ukraine marks 30 years since Chernobyl

    Ukraine marks 30 years since Chernobyl

    KIEV, Ukraine — With flowers, candles, anger and tears, Ukraine on Tuesday marked the 30th anniversary of the explosion at the Chernobyl nuclear plant, the world’s worst nuclear accident. Some survivors said the chaos of that time is etched in their minds forever. …read more Source: Pittsburgh...