Friday, 21 March 2025
    : :inin Kyiv (EET)

Section: The Weekly Standard (USA)

      Putin vs Poroshenko: Check and Mate?

      Putin vs Poroshenko: Check and Mate?

      Lucian Kim at Reuters writes that: …read more Source: The Weekly...

      Putin’s Long Arm

      Putin’s Long Arm

      Gary Locke In Chechnya, Georgia, and Ukraine, Russia works through bribery, fear, and force to destroy its opponents. In the West, it works through Interpol and the U.S. Treasury. If Moscow decides to target you, being in the United States won’t protect you from Russian harassment. In fact, it makes you a better victim. …read more...

      Spain 1936-1939; Ukraine, 2014-?

      Spain 1936-1939; Ukraine, 2014-?

      Last week’s Minsk agreement, by which France and Germany in effect codified the cession to Russia of Kiev’s sovereignty over southeastern Ukraine, has temporarily taken the issue of Russia’s aggression in Ukraine off the table and thus off the conscience of the West. But the question whether the United States and its allies...

      Ukraine Cease Fire Already Looking Shaky

      Ukraine Cease Fire Already Looking Shaky

      Anton Zverev of Reuters reports that …read more Source: The Weekly...

      Guns Mean What They Say: Will the West Help Ukraine?

      Guns Mean What They Say: Will the West Help Ukraine?

      MunichThe 2001 film Conspiracy reconstructs the infamous January 20, 1942, Wannsee conference, during which the following exchange supposedly took place between Rudolf Lange, a Nazi extermination unit commander who liquidated Latvia’s Jewish population of 250,000 in six months, and Friedrich Wilhelm Kritzinger of the Reich chancellery:...

      Biden to Ukraine President: Tiger Woods Got Tooth Knocked Out By Camera

      Biden to Ukraine President: Tiger Woods Got Tooth Knocked Out By Camera

      Vice President Joe Biden had an interesting exchange with the president of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko. The two were speaking in front of reporters at the Munich Security Conference. The exchange was captured by the on-site pool reporter: As the pool came in, Mr. Biden and Mr. Poroshenko made small talk over the press pool and their handlers....