Section: The Blaze (USA)
Kamala Harris wants President Trump’s Twitter account suspended over his whistleblower tweets
Democratic U.S. Sen. Kamala Harris (Calif.) said President Donald Trump’s Twitter account should be suspended over his tweets about the whistleblower in the Ukraine scandal that could lead to Trump’s impeachment, CNN reported. “The president’s tweets and his behaviors about this are just further evidence of the fact that...
Saturday Night Live season opener continues tradition of bashing Trump — and the ratings are terrible
Saturday Night Live had its first show to open the 45th season on Saturday with more ridiculing of President Donald Trump, but the ratings were horrible. Critics of the president enjoyed the cold open segment which mocked Trump’s travails with the Ukrainian scandal, with Alec Baldwin delivering his impression of the president. And yet,...
Steven Crowder: ‘Here is a ‘definitive’ timeline of the Trump-Ukraine ‘scandal’
On Friday’s episode of “Louder with Crowder,” Steven used a visual aid to explain the timeline of what we know as of now about the Trump-Ukraine scandal. Steven used humor and some parody in his explanation of the events that had happened or could happen.Step oneStep one, Joe Biden’s son was receiving $50K each month from...
Breaking: Three Democratic House committees issue subpoena to Rudy Giuliani
Three Democratically controlled House committees sent a subpoena to Rudy Giuliani, the president’s personal lawyer, for documents related to the controversial phone call between President Donald Trump and the Ukrainian president. The letter to Giuliani was published Monday from Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), the chairman of the House...
Mitch McConnell: If House votes to impeach, Senate will have ‘no choice but to take it up’
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) confirmed that if the House of Representatives did vote to impeach President Donald Trump, he would be forced to have the Senate vote on whether or not to remove the president from office.What did McConnell say?In an interview Monday, CNBC host Carl Quintanilla asked McConnell how he’d handle...
WTF MSM!? WaPo’s impeachment fantasy ends with ‘President Pelosi’
WTF MSM!? is a newsletter that puts a dose of sunlight on the mainstream media and exposes how the media twist facts, selectively report, and outright lie to advance their left-wing agenda. You can sign up for the WTF MSM!? newsletter here. Letting the cat out of the bag? … The Washington Post just broadcast its impeachment fantasy for the whole...
Kamala Harris says to ‘leave Joe Biden alone’ on Ukraine — Nikki Haley blasts ’embarrassing’ defense
Democratic presidential candidates are having a difficult time speaking definitively about former Vice President Joe Biden and his son’s business in Ukraine.Last week, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) said she didn’t know whether her own proposed ethics policy would preclude a vice president’s child from serving on the board of a...
Joe Biden’s campaign demands major news outlets stop booking Rudy Giuliani to speak about Ukraine
Joe Biden’s presidential campaign has sent a letter to major cable news networks and top anchors demanding they stop inviting Rudy Giuliani, the personal lawyer of President Donald Trump, on their programs.The letter, sent on official Biden campaign letterhead, claims Giuliani is using the major news networks to spread “conspiracy...
WATCH: Adam Schiff confronted for putting words in President Trump’s mouth in fake ‘parody’
House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) chose to put words in President Donald Trump’s mouth last week to further his version of events of what he believes Trump told Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky about the Biden’s in July.On Sunday, ABC host George Stephanopoulos confronted Schiff over his...
Commentary: The media’s exoneration of Biden’s Ukrainian dealings gives him the benefit of the doubt he does not deserve
By now, the supposedly objective fact checkers in the mainstream media have nearly completed their race to fall all over themselves declaring that there is absolutely no indication that Joe Biden did anything wrong in connection with the firing of Viktor Shokin, former head prosecutor in Ukraine.”No evidence,” they have repeatedly...