Saturday, 15 March 2025
    : :inin Kyiv (EET)

California Secessionist movement opens first “embassy” — and it’s in Moscow

MOSCOW, Russia — The first foreign outpost of California’s slapdash secessionist movement, Yes California, opened in Moscow on Sunday. Housed in a research institute in northwestern Moscow, the offices are described as an “embassy” by the group’s founder and president, Louis Marinelli, a stocky, unassuming 30-year-old with grey-flecked hair.
Photographs of Fidel Castro, Che Guevara, Hugo Chavez and Bashar al-Assad hang on one wall. A portrait of Vladimir Putin occupies a place of honor between a Christmas tree and a Russian flag on another. And a blue banner reads, “Welcome to the Embassy of the Independent Republic of California, Moscow, Russia.”

Marinelli …read more

Source: VICE News

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