Sunday, 16 March 2025
    : :inin Kyiv (EET)

This All Sends a Chilling Message to the Parties to the Conflict that President Putin Holds all the Cards: Matthew Bryza

Matthew Bryza, former US Ambassador to Azerbaijan, Former US Assistant Secretary of State for the South Caucasus, is the interviewee of
—Intense battles broke out in Nagorno-Karabakh and Ziyafat Askerov , First Deputy Speaker of Azerbaijani parliament, was quoted by Azeri media, confirming that the Azerbaijani army has indeed launched a large scale military assault on Armenian forces on 2 April. How do you explain this situation especially taking into consideration the fact that fighting began when Aliyev and Sargsyan were in Washington DC?
—As is usually the case for violence along the Line of Contact, each side is accusing …read more

Source: 168hours

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