Sunday, 16 March 2025
    : :inin Kyiv (EET)

Section: The Irrawaddy (Thailand)

      Trump Impeachment Trial Starts; Lawyers Deny Wrongdoing by President

      Trump Impeachment Trial Starts; Lawyers Deny Wrongdoing by President

      US Senate begins impeachment trial of President Donald Trump over allegations he pressured Ukraine to investigate a political rival. …read more Source:: The...

      Iran Apologizes to Ukraine for Accidentally Shooting Down Airliner


      Iran Apologizes to Ukraine for Accidentally Shooting Down Airliner

      Iranian president apologizes to Ukrainian leader for the accidental shooting down of a Ukrainian airliner by Iran’s military. …read more Source:: The...

      US Believes Iran Accidentally Shot Down Ukraine Airliner; Tehran Denies Claim

      US Believes Iran Accidentally Shot Down Ukraine Airliner; Tehran Denies Claim

      Tehran denies US reports that Ukrainian airliner was accidentally shot down by Iranian missile. …read more Source:: The...

      Trump Asks China to Probe Democratic Rival Joe Biden

      Trump Asks China to Probe Democratic Rival Joe Biden

      Even as Congress investigates Trump’s call for Ukraine to probe the son of Democratic candidate Joe Biden, the president asks Beijing to do the same. …read more Source:: The...

      China Building First Modern, Full-Sized Aircraft Carrier

      China Building First Modern, Full-Sized Aircraft Carrier

      HONG KONG/BEIJING—Construction of China’s first full-sized aircraft carrier is well under way, according to satellite images obtained and analyzed by a U.S. think tank. The images from April, provided to Reuters by the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) in Washington, reveal considerable recent activity during the last...

      Ukrainian Firm Will Reportedly Help Tatmadaw Build Plant for Military Equipment

      Ukrainian Firm Will Reportedly Help Tatmadaw Build Plant for Military Equipment

      YANGON – A Ukrainian military import/export agency and the Myanmar Army recently signed a joint venture agreement to construct an assembly plant to build armored personal carriers (APCs) and self-propelled howitzers by 2020. Defense Blog reported on Wednesday that Great Export Import Company had confirmed an initial delivery of equipment and...

      ‘Dirty List’ Names 49 Firms Doing Business with Military

      ‘Dirty List’ Names 49 Firms Doing Business with Military

      CHIANG MAI, Thailand—A total of 49 companies worldwide are named and shamed in Burma Campaign UK’s latest “Dirty List” of firms that do business with the Myanmar Military. The list released on Tuesday comprises companies whose operations have been linked to human rights violations or environmental destruction in Myanmar. The companies work...

      A Third of Protected Wildlife Areas Marred by Roads and Towns: Study

      A Third of Protected Wildlife Areas Marred by Roads and Towns: Study

      OSLO — A third of the world’s protected areas for wildlife are suffering road building, more farms and other man-made threats that are undermining goals to safeguard the diversity of life on Earth, scientists said on Thursday. Almost 200 nations agreed in 2010 to set aside at least 17 percent of the world’s land areas in parks and...

      Some US Allies Caught in Crossfire of Sanctions on Russian Arms

      Some US Allies Caught in Crossfire of Sanctions on Russian Arms

      NEW DELHI — US sanctions on Russian military exports have put the brakes on a $6 billion deal with India and may derail the arms purchases of other US allies around Asia, experts say. Under a law that US President Donald Trump signed in August, any country trading with Russia’s defense and intelligence sectors will face sanctions. The law...

      NLD Lawmakers Debate Pros, Cons of Proposed Protest Law Amendments

      NLD Lawmakers Debate Pros, Cons of Proposed Protest Law Amendments

      NAYPYITAW — The Peaceful Assembly and Procession Law needs to be amended because it does not comply with the military-drafted 2008 Constitution, said lawmaker U Tun Tun Hein, a Central Executive Committee member of the ruling National League for Democracy (NLD). “This law is fine for people who want to stage a protest with good intentions. But if...