: :inin Kyiv (EET)

Section: Pakistan Today (Pakistan)

    New Congress prepares to undo Obamacare, weigh Trump personnel picks

    New Congress prepares to undo Obamacare, weigh Trump personnel picks

    A new, Republican-controlled US Congress convenes on Tuesday eager to repeal major portions of President Barack Obama’s healthcare law and roll back environmental and financial industry regulations, but could quickly become embroiled in fights over President-elect Donald Trump’s Cabinet choices. Despite his promise to unite a deeply...

    Tech show looks beyond ‘smart,’ to new ‘realities’

    Tech show looks beyond ‘smart,’ to new ‘realities’

    The mega-extravaganza of the tech world in Las Vegas is showcasing an array of new devices that get smarts from computer chips, sensors and artificial intelligence, but go further by opening doors to augmented or virtual realities. The Consumer Electronics Show, which begins with a series of media events Tuesday will offer trade professionals a...

    Trump aide says US sanctions on Russia may be disproportionate

    Trump aide says US sanctions on Russia may be disproportionate

    A top aide to President-elect Donald Trump said in an interview aired on Sunday that the White House may have disproportionately punished Russia by ordering the expulsion of 35 suspected Russian spies. Incoming White House press secretary Sean Spicer said on ABC’s “This Week” that Trump will be asking questions of US intelligence agencies...

    Trump praises Putin for holding back in US-Russia spy dispute

    Trump praises Putin for holding back in US-Russia spy dispute

    US president-elect Donald Trump on Friday praised Russian President Vladimir Putin for refraining from retaliation in a dispute over spying and cyber attacks, in another sign that the Republican plans to patch up badly frayed relations with Moscow. Putin earlier on Friday said he would not hit back for the US expulsion of 35 suspected Russian...

    US-Russia relations

    US-Russia relations

    Worst since the Cold War Washington and Moscow should not need reminding how diplomatic hostility between the two capitals spreads to much of the world; and how quickly. Yet US-Russia relations are at their lowest since the ’80s, when the Afghan war bankrupted Moscow and sounded the death rattle of the Soviet Union. Disagreements today...

    Putin refuses to expel US diplomats, looks to Trump

    Putin refuses to expel US diplomats, looks to Trump

    Russia’s President Vladimir Putin said on Friday he would not expel any Americans in response to Washington turfing out dozens of Russian diplomats over alleged election interference. The Kremlin strongman’s shock decision came after Russia’s foreign ministry asked him to send home 35 US diplomats in a tit-for-tat retaliation...

    Obama hits Russia for election meddling

    Obama hits Russia for election meddling

    President Barack Obama on Thursday unleashed a barrage of retaliatory measures against Moscow for meddling in the US election, imposing sanctions on two intelligence agencies, expelling 35 agents and shuttering two Russian compounds inside the United States. Making good on a promise to punish Vladimir Putin’s government for allegedly trying...

    US slaps sanctions on Russia, expels 35 diplomats

    US slaps sanctions on Russia, expels 35 diplomats

    US President Barack Obama has imposed sanctions on Russian officials and intelligence services in retaliation for Russia’s interference in the US presidential election by hacking American political sites and email accounts. The State Department also has kicked out 35 Russian diplomats from its embassy in Washington and consulate in San...

    Russia, Iran ties with Taliban stoke Afghan anxiety

    Russia, Iran ties with Taliban stoke Afghan anxiety

    Allegations of Russia and Iran’s deepening ties with the Taliban have ignited concerns of a renewed “Great Game” of proxy warfare in Afghanistan that could undermine US-backed troops and push the country deeper into turmoil. Moscow and Tehran insist their contact with insurgents is aimed at promoting regional security, but local and US...

    Trump regrets complications in ‘age of computer’

    Trump regrets complications in ‘age of computer’

    US president-elect Donald Trump lamented complications from “the age of computer” Wednesday, as he responded to questions about Russia’s alleged hacking of the US election. Asked about possible sanctions against Moscow, Trump said “I think we ought to get on with our lives,” before waxing lyrical about the impact of computing technology. “I...