Sunday, 16 March 2025
    : :inin Kyiv (EET)

Section: Pakistan Today (Pakistan)

      USA and China: Where do the stand?

      USA and China: Where do the stand?

      APEC Summit, Asia Pivot and US midterm elections Republicans have swept in with 52 seats in the Senate. For the first time since 2006 they have a majority in both houses of the Congress. Meanwhile President Obama is on a visit to China, from where he will go onward to Mynmar and thereon to Australia for the G-20 Summit. This weakens Obama’s...

      Russia planning alternative version of ‘Wikipedia’

      Russia planning alternative version of ‘Wikipedia’

      MOSCOW- Russia plans to create its own “Wikipedia” to ensure its citizens have access to more “detailed and reliable” information about their country, the presidential library said on Friday. Citing Western threats, the Kremlin has asserted more control over the Internet this year in what critics call moves to censor the web, and has introduced...

      Clash within civilisations

      Clash within civilisations

      Was Huntington wrong? When Samuel P Huntington in the year 1996 proposed the idea of ‘clash of civilisations’, it, though being controversial, became immensely popular in political and academic circles. He presented the idea that conflicts in post-Cold War world order would be on the basis of civilisational differences. Huntington defined...

      Hostile G20 kicks off with mixed agenda

      Hostile G20 kicks off with mixed agenda

      G20 has pledged to raise level of its combined economic output by at least two per cent above the currently projected level in next five years, via domestic policy reforms, and so generate millions of new jobs Russian President Vladimir Putin will face hostile Western leaders around the table at the G20 Saturday, having been accused of being a...

      Territorial row

      Territorial row

      How one of the region’s lingering territorial disputes can come to an end Japan’s neighbourhood is intractable. Cold War legacy severely affects it even today. It has been confronting with post-war territorial disputes with the Russian Federation, China, and South Korea. These thee disputes have an historical legacy. None of the...

      Australia, Britain tell Putin to stop being a bully

      Australia, Britain tell Putin to stop being a bully

      Vladimir Putin faces an icy reception at the G20 summit with Britain’s David Cameron telling the Russian leader to stop bullying smaller states and Australia’s Tony Abbott accusing him of trying to relive the “lost glories of tsarism”. The Russian president was due in Brisbane later Friday for the weekend summit of world powers at a...

      Gorbachev warns of ‘new Cold War’

      Gorbachev warns of ‘new Cold War’

      Tensions between the major powers have pushed the world closer to a new Cold War, former Soviet leader Mikhail S Gorbachev said Saturday. The 83-year-old accused the West, particularly the United States, of giving in to “triumphalism” after the collapse of the Soviet Union and the dissolution of the communist bloc a quarter century ago. The...

      International foreign policy prerogatives

      International foreign policy prerogatives

      And the future of Pakistan There are three characteristics of the American approach that have to be kept in mind to analyse their foreign policy. First is the philosophy that American has no permanent friends or allies, only interests. Second is their dual track policy of compete and collaborate at the same time. And third is to change direction...

      Riedel’s mythmaking and Pakistan

      Riedel’s mythmaking and Pakistan

      There are, after all, so many axes to grind Are India and Pakistan heading for a nuclear war? Bruce Riedel will make you believe it will happen today and it will be all Islamabad’s fault. Riedel is a former CIA officer and was a senior adviser to three US presidents, including Obama. He is currently a senior fellow at the Brookings...

      Kashmir beyond platitudes: Responsibility to protect

      Kashmir beyond platitudes: Responsibility to protect

      It will take trilateral, not bilateral, talks to solve the issue Oh let the sun beat down upon my face, stars to fill my dream / I am a traveller of both time and space, to be where I have been / To sit with elders of the gentle race, this world has seldom seen / They talk of days for which they sit and wait and all will be revealed…–lyrics by...