Sunday, 16 March 2025
    : :inin Kyiv (EET)

Section: Pakistan Today (Pakistan)

    Ukraine accuses Russia of sending in tanks, escalating crisis

    Ukraine accuses Russia of sending in tanks, escalating crisis

    Ukraine’s military accused Russia on Friday of sending a column of 32 tanks and truckloads of troops into the country’s east to support pro-Russian separatists fighting government forces. Thursday’s cross-border incursion, if confirmed, is a significant escalation of a conflict that has killed more than 4,000 people since the...

    US director Oliver Stone wants to make Putin film

    US director Oliver Stone wants to make Putin film

    MOSCOW- US director Oliver Stone wants to make a documentary about Russian President Vladimir Putin, he said Thursday on a visit to Moscow, where he is working on a film about fugitive whistleblower Edward Snowden. The controversial film-maker has already made a documentary about his relationship with the former Cuban leader Fidel Castro, as well...

    Putin beats Obama in Forbes power ranking

    Putin beats Obama in Forbes power ranking

    For a second year in a row, Russian President Vladimir Putin has beaten Barack Obama to the title of world’s most powerful leader as ranked by Forbes. In a year in which Russia annexed Crimea, stoked a conflict in Ukraine and clinched a multi-billion-dollar gas pipeline deal with China that Forbes called the world’s largest...

    Pro-Russian rebels name leader in Ukraine as crisis deepens

    Pro-Russian rebels name leader in Ukraine as crisis deepens

    AGENCIES Pro-Russian separatists in Ukraine named a leader of their breakaway republic on Monday after a weekend election which was denounced by Kiev and the West and further deepened a standoff with Russia over the future of the former Soviet state. Organisers of the vote said that Alexander Zakharchenko, a 38-year-old former mining electrician,...

    US mid-term elections: Polls about ‘nothing’ and ‘everything’

    US mid-term elections: Polls about ‘nothing’ and ‘everything’

    Foreign news outfits term polls as ‘election about nothing’ while Republicans say elections are about ‘everything’ Opinion polls put President Obama’s public ratings in 40s, suggest Republicans faring better at grabbing Senate majority Anxiety over a string of challenges – ranging from partisan politics in Washington to another...

    Govt seizes over 0.26m ‘imported’ wheat bags

    Govt seizes over 0.26m ‘imported’ wheat bags

    In a crackdown against the hoarding and illegal transportations of wheat, the Sindh government having issued a dozen show-cause notices to the flour millers and seized over 0.26 million bags containing ‘low quality’ imported wheat. The provincial food department, in a two-day crackdown against flour mills for increasing wheat flour prices...