: :inin Kyiv (EET)

Section: The News International (Pakistan)

    Ukraine doctor pioneering ?three-parent? babies

    Ukraine doctor pioneering ?three-parent? babies

    KIEV: A 34-year-old woman tried to have a baby for 15 years before she turned to a pioneering doctor in Ukraine and a groundbreaking but ethically disputed “three-parent” procedure. She became the mother of a healthy baby boy in January at a private clinic in Kiev using a process called pronuclear transfer that inserts the...

    Ukraine backs tough TV language rules

    Ukraine backs tough TV language rules

    KIEV: Ukraine´s parliament on Tuesday backed tough limits on the amount of Russian allowed to be aired on television in a step that is likely to raise the Kremlin´s ire. A bill requiring major channels to broadcast at least three-quarters of their programmes in the Ukrainian language passed parliament by an overwhelming 269-15 margin. The bill...

    Macron to host Putin for May 29 talks on Syria, Ukraine

    Macron to host Putin for May 29 talks on Syria, Ukraine

    PARIS: French President Emmanuel Macron will host Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin next week as the countries look to reset strained relations, notably over Syria and Ukraine. The meeting at the Versailles palace outside Paris will coincide with an exhibition celebrating 300 years of Franco-Russian ties since the visit of Russian tsar Peter the...

    Euronews ends Ukrainian-language broadcasts

    Euronews ends Ukrainian-language broadcasts

    KIEV: The Ukrainian-language service of European television channel Euronews said it was to close down on Sunday because of financial difficulties. “After nearly six years of work, Euronews will cease broadcasting in Ukrainian on Sunday, May 21,” it said in a Facebook post on Saturday. The move comes two years after the Ukrainian...

    Shedding light on French deportees put to work on Hitler?s secret weapon

    Shedding light on French deportees put to work on Hitler?s secret weapon

    The Resistance’s struggle against Nazi occupation in World War II is well-documented in France but much less is known about thousands of its members forced to work in Nazi Germany on Hitler’s secret weapon: the V2 rockets he hoped would bring Britain to its knees. Now, more than 70 years on, France aims to shed light on, and honour,...

    Ukraine angers West

    Ukraine angers West

    KIEV: Ukraine’s lawmakers on Wednesday put the brakes on a bill that has triggered concern from its Western allies for hampering anti-corruption efforts in the graft-riddled former Soviet republic. The decision to rework a bill critics said was meant to protect top politicians and powerful business tycoons was made as an International...

    Ukraine presidency?s website attacked

    Ukraine presidency?s website attacked

    KIEV: The Ukrainian presidency said its website had been attacked by Russia in apparent retaliation for Kiev’s decision to block prominent Moscow-based social networks. “We have been witnessing the Russian response to the president’s decree about closing access to Russian social networks,” President Petro...

    World close to ?serious digital sabotage?

    World close to ?serious digital sabotage?

    Imagine what would happen if the banking system were sabotaged for a week, says Dutch spy chief THE HAGUE: The world may be close to a “serious act of digital sabotage” which could trigger unrest, “chaos and disorder”, Dutch spy chief Rob Bertholee warned on Tuesday. Sabotage of critical infrastructure “is the kind...

    US criticises Russian build-up near Baltic states

    US criticises Russian build-up near Baltic states

    US Defence Secretary Jim Mattis said on Wednesday that a Russian missile deployment near the Baltic states was “destabilising”, and officials suggested the United States could deploy a Patriot missile battery in the region for Nato exercises in the summer. US allies are jittery ahead of war games by Russia and Belarus in September...

    Ukraine rebels roll out banned tanks

    Ukraine rebels roll out banned tanks

    WWII Victory Day More than 10,000 people waving Russian flags and carrying portraits of Stalin watched tanks roll through Ukraine’s de facto rebel capital Donetsk on Tuesday in celebration of the Soviet Union’s defeat of Nazi Germany. The display of military might used by the Moscow-backed insurgents in their three-year conflict...