: :inin Kyiv (EET)

Section: Singapore

US lays out “evidence” against rebels in MH17 crash

US lays out “evidence” against rebels in MH17 crash

The United States laid out “extraordinary circumstantial evidence” Sunday that Ukrainian pro-Russian rebels were behind the downing of a Malaysian jet hit by weapons obtained from Russia. …read more Source: Channel...

Time for Russia to ‘get out’ of Ukraine: Britain

Time for Russia to ‘get out’ of Ukraine: Britain

July 21, 2014 12:30 AMLONDON (AFP) – Britain’s Defence Secretary Michael Fallon said Sunday it was time for Russia to “stop interfering” and “get out of eastern Ukraine”. …read more Source: The Straits...

Missile system in MH17 crash came from Russia: Kerry

Missile system in MH17 crash came from Russia: Kerry

The missile system used to shoot down a Malaysian airliner was handed to pro-Russian separatists in Ukraine by Moscow, US Secretary of State John Kerry said Sunday. …read more Source: Channel...

US believes Russia gave rebels missiles that downed airliner

US believes Russia gave rebels missiles that downed airliner

The United States believes Moscow provided Ukrainian rebels with the missile launchers that downed Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17, and moved them back into Russia after it was hit, US newspapers reported late Saturday. …read more Source: Channel...

Ukraine PM says MH17 not downed by “drunken gorillas”

Ukraine PM says MH17 not downed by “drunken gorillas”

Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk said in comments published on Sunday that Russia was likely behind the downing of a Malaysian airliner as such an operation takes professionals and not “drunken gorillas”. …read more Source: Channel...

Pro-Russian rebel claims MH17 black boxes in Donetsk

Pro-Russian rebel claims MH17 black boxes in Donetsk

A pro-Russian rebel on Sunday tweeted that the black boxes from the crashed Malaysia Airlines jet MH17 had been brought to rebel stronghold Donetsk in east Ukraine, after a rebel leader said they had never recovered the data recorders. …read more Source: Channel...

Rebels refuse access to Ukraine MH17 crash site until truce

Rebels refuse access to Ukraine MH17 crash site until truce

Ukraine’s pro-Russian rebels defied mounting world outrage on Sunday and said they would allow international monitors to safely access the site of a downed Malaysia jet only if Kiev agreed to a truce. …read more Source: Channel...

Malaysia Airlines retires MH17 flight code

Malaysia Airlines retires MH17 flight code

Malaysia Airlines said Sunday it would retire flight code MH17 as a “mark of respect” for the 298 people killed in a jet crash in violence-wracked eastern Ukraine. …read more Source: Channel...

All bodies reportedly removed from main MH17 crash site in Ukraine

All bodies reportedly removed from main MH17 crash site in Ukraine

Scores of bodies that had been gathered at the main Ukraine crash site of Malaysian plane MH17 were reportedly removed, after pro-Russian rebels said they would allow international monitors safe access to the site if Kiev agreed to a truce. …read more Source: Channel...

Anger grows towards Russia over MH17 crash

Anger grows towards Russia over MH17 crash

Outraged world leaders heaped pressure on Russia on Sunday to press Moscow-backed rebels in eastern Ukraine to allow investigators proper access to the crash site of the Malaysia Airlines MH17 jet. …read more Source: Channel...