Thursday, 20 March 2025
    : :inin Kyiv (EET)

Transnationalism and Italian anarchists in Canada, 1915-1940

Transnational Radicals: Italian Anarchists in Canada and the U.S., 1915-1940
Travis Tomchuk
University of Manitoba Press, 2015
There are numerous studies of the left in Canada. These studies range from social-democratic parties like the CCF, various socialists movements, and communists. Curiously there is a lack of studies into anarchist groups in Canada. While there is some information and studies there is far less information in comparison to other groups and movements on the left. This is partially due to the nature of anarchist groups. It was common for anarchist groups to not have formal members lists, meeting minutes, nor did they organize into …read more

Source: Canadian Dimension

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