Tuesday, 18 March 2025
    : :inin Kyiv (EET)

After Ebola, World Bank creates pandemic insurance plan

A mother nurses her newborn at the maternity ward of the Kailahun Government hospital in Sierra Leone, hard hit by spread of the Ebola virus/AFPJAPAN, May 21 – The World Bank announced Saturday a new program to mobilize funds quickly against virulent disease outbreaks after the world was caught unprepared in the 2014 Ebola disaster in West Africa.
World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said the new Pandemic Emergency Financing Facility (PEF) will accelerate global and national responses to disease outbreaks that threaten large populations and fragile economies.
He said the PEF, a combination of catastrophe insurance and bonds, is a direct …read more

Source: Capital News

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