Tuesday, 18 March 2025
    : :inin Kyiv (EET)

Thirty years on, Ukraine remembers Chernobyl catastrophe

Candles set in the shape of a radiation hazard symbol are seen on a square next to the monument to Chernobyl victims in Slavutych on the 30th anniversary of the nuclear power plant disaster which has killed thousands and permanently poisoned swathes of eastern Europe – AFP/GettyCHERNOBYL, Ukraine, Apr 26 – Ukrainians held candlelit vigils Tuesday to mark 30 years since the world’s worst nuclear accident at Chernobyl spewed radiation across Europe and left several thousand people dead or dying.
Church bells rang and mourners laid flowers at Chernobyl’s memorial square as the clock turned 1:23 am — the moment when …read more

Source: Capital News

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