: :inin Kyiv (EET)

Section: Germany

Battle for Ukraine: An Inside View of the Surreal Donetsk War Zone

Battle for Ukraine: An Inside View of the Surreal Donetsk War Zone

As the Ukrainian army closes in on Donetsk, shelling in the metropolis has become much more frequent — and deadly. Many residents have left, but those who remain seem unsure what to make of the conflict. Resignation is widespread. …read more Source: Der...

Foreign ministers to hold urgent meeting on Ukraine crisis

Foreign ministers to hold urgent meeting on Ukraine crisis

The foreign ministers of Ukraine, Russia, France and Germany are to hold an urgent meeting to address tensions in eastern Ukraine. The situation worsened after claims Russia tried to send a military convoy into Ukraine. …read more Source: Deutsche...

Ukraine border service officers inspect Russian aid convoy

Ukraine border service officers inspect Russian aid convoy

Ukrainian border inspectors have crossed into Russia to inspect a convoy of trucks carrying humanitarian aid. Ukraine has expressed concerns that Moscow could be using the convoy to deliver weapons to pro-Russia rebels. …read more Source: Deutsche...

Russia aid convoy parked near Ukraine border

Russia aid convoy parked near Ukraine border

A Russian aid convoy approaching from the north has stopped just short of the border with Ukraine. Meanwhile, there are reports that a separate military convoy has entered Ukrainian territory. …read more Source: Deutsche...

Serbian mercenaries fighting in eastern Ukraine

Serbian mercenaries fighting in eastern Ukraine

Serbian fighters fight side by side with pro-Russian separatists in eastern Ukraine. According to Belgrade, they’re not the only ones active in Ukraine, either. …read more Source: Deutsche...

Crimea’s rocky path to Russia

Crimea’s rocky path to Russia

As Russian President Putin holds meetings in Crimea, a yearning is palpable among people there. A yearning for a time when many believe life was better. People want Russia to restore that past, but it’s not an easy path. …read more Source: Deutsche...

Donetsk shelled as Russia convoy approaches Ukraine border

Donetsk shelled as Russia convoy approaches Ukraine border

Artillery fire is reported to have hit near the center of the rebel-held eastern Ukrainian city of Donetsk for the first time in the current fighting. Meanwhile, a Russian convoy approached the Ukrainian border. …read more Source: Deutsche...

Russian aid convoy rolls on towards eastern Ukraine

Russian aid convoy rolls on towards eastern Ukraine

A Russian aid convoy is reported to be on the move towards the Ukrainian border after it had been parked overnight. Ukraine has expressed fears that Moscow could be using the aid convoy as a pretext for an invasion. …read more Source: Deutsche...

Opinion: Russia’s deceptive game with Ukraine’s woes

Opinion: Russia’s deceptive game with Ukraine’s woes

Ukraine has good reasons why it won’t allow a Russian aid convoy into the country. Moscow appears to refuse cooperation even on humanitarian issues, DW’s Bernd Johann says. …read more Source: Deutsche...

Russia aid convoy stalled amid Ukrainian skepticism

Russia aid convoy stalled amid Ukrainian skepticism

An aid convoy comprising some 260 Russian trucks on its way to rebel-held eastern Ukraine remains at a standstill in southwestern Russia. Moscow has rejected Ukrainian skepticism about the vehicles’ contents as “absurd.” …read more Source: Deutsche...