Tuesday, 18 March 2025
    01: 21:59in Kyiv (EET)

Hashtags and User Networks in the Putin-Poroshenko Twitter Chatter

Connections between Twitter users and the hashtags they use might reveal interesting information. Images mixed by Tetyana Lokot.
This article is part of a citizen-media data-analysis project, a collaboration between RuNet Echo and the Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities. Explore the complete article series on the All the Presidents’ Tweets page.
We’ve already had a first look at the smaller dataset from the six-million sample, filtered by country code for a glimpse of tweets from Russia and Ukraine. Over 6,000 tweets with country code “UA” (Ukraine) and almost 8,500 tweets with country code “RU” (Russia) turned out to contain one …read more

Source: Global Voices

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