Saturday, 22 March 2025
    : :inin Kyiv (EET)

‘September’: A New Platform for Leftists Across the Former Soviet Union

Source: tetedelacourse, Flickr. CC 2.0
On Friday, a group of activists and academics from Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Azerbaijan launched “September,” a website they hope will be a platform for leftist discourse across the former Soviet Union. The project, which grew out of “Commons” in Ukraine, “Pravsvet” in Belarus, and other regional leftist initiatives, aims to offer a transnational perspective on post-Soviet leftism, and will feature essays from writers across the region.
Aliona Lyasheva, an editor at September and a PhD student at the University of Milan-Bicocca, says the absence of strong leftist voices in Ukraine and elsewhere in the former …read more

Source: Global Voices

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