Sunday, 16 March 2025
    : :inin Kyiv (EET)

Camelot and Canada: When Diefenbaker met Kennedy

Book review: Camelot and Canada by Asa McKercher
The similarities between the John Diefenbaker—John F. Kennedy relationship and that of Stephen Harper and Barack Obama are striking. Both Diefenbaker and Harper were more conservative and scions of Western politics who clashed sharply with their liberal, urban-intellectual American presidential counterparts. Canadians have never paid much attention to the dynamics between Harper and Obama, but they are obsessed with the Diefenbaker–Kennedy relationship. Most Americans, meanwhile, don’t even know it existed. Asa McKercher’s book is a major contribution—and a major repudiation—of the existing scholarship on the relationship between Canada’s 13th prime minister and America’s …read more

Source: Macleans

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