Wednesday, 19 March 2025
    : :inin Kyiv (EET)

Michael Den Tandt: If the Tories really loved the military so much, it wouldn’t be systematically underfunded

Question: For how much longer can the federal Conservatives shamble along with a national defence and procurement posture that is disjointed, underfunded, poorly understood, chronically secretive and increasingly, obviously unequal to the challenges at hand?
This week at the G20 in Brisbane, Australia, Prime Minister Stephen Harper will wax combative about the growing list of strategic and security brushfires faced by the global club of pluralistic democracies, of which Canada purports to be an important member.
Chances are good that, when Harper speaks, his peers will pay some attention. Agree with him or disagree, there is no misunderstanding the PM’s positions vis-à-vis …read more

Source: National Post

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