What We’re Following: Buzz Aldrin Is Freaking Out Right Now Because NASA confirmed there is water on Mars. “Not just hunks of ice or evidence of ancient, dried-up oceans—but wet, trickling, salty droplets of water on Mars right now,” as Adrienne LaFrance perspectives, and share your own, here. Verbs Pumpkin spice lattes scorned, “Dismaland” dismantled, awkward toast shared. Answers: 2001, ALASKAN ARCTIC, KEVIN MCCARTHY …read more
Source: <a href=http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheAtlantic/~3/P2a9dz8TPy8/story01.htm target=_blank title="The Atlantic Daily: Water on Mars, United Nations in New York, Donald Trump on Taxes” rel=nofollow>The Atlantic