Thursday, 13 March 2025
    : :inin Kyiv (EET)

British Politicians Urge Sanctions on Israel if Annexation Plan Goes Ahead

127 British politicians from all parties have written to the British Prime Minister and the Foreign Secretary urging them to make clear publicly to Israel that any annexation of occupied Palestinian territory “will have severe consequences including sanctions.”

#WestBank #Annexation, #Orientalism and More (PALESTINE CHRONICLE TV) via @PalestineChron
— @palestinechron (@PalestineChron) April 29, 2020

In an unprecedented intervention, British politicians including former cabinet members, ministers and senior diplomats, demanded actions, not words in opposing any Israeli annexation. This would be “a mortal blow to chances of peace between Israelis and Palestinians based on any viable two-state solution.”
“We are writing to you …read more

Source:: Tne Palestine Chronicle
