Tuesday, 18 March 2025
    : :inin Kyiv (EET)

Bolton Accuses House Dems of ‘Impeachment Malpractice’ In Forthcoming Book

In his tell-all memoir finally set for publication later this month, former Trump National Security Adviser John Bolton alleges that House Democrats failed to look at other transgressions made by the president that went beyond the scope of Ukraine during their impeachment inquiries last year.

According to the press release for Bolton’s new book, Bolton documents Trump’s other “Ukraine-like transgressions” and accuses the House of committing “impeachment malpractice” by only focusing on Ukraine. Bolton refused to testify in the impeachment investigation. pic.twitter.com/nfxCUnY18D
— Natasha Bertrand (@NatashaBertrand) June 12, 2020

Bolton accuses House Democrats of committing “impeachment malpractice” by limiting their investigation to …read more

Source:: TPM

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