Monday, 17 March 2025
    : :inin Kyiv (EET)

Coronavirus Overwhelms Ukraine’s Hospitals Even With Low Number Of Cases

CHERNIVTSI, Ukraine (AP) — Medical workers in homemade protective masks and suits, with plastic bags over their shoes. A hospital intended for 150 coronavirus patients now holding 250. A lack of filtration systems that forces autopsies to be done outside, under the trees, instead of in the hospital morgue.
Ukraine’s troubled health care system has been overwhelmed by COVID-19, even though it has reported a relatively low number of cases — 15,648 infections and 408 deaths as of Monday.

Nowhere is the problem more evident than in western city of Chernivtsi, with 2,324 confirmed infections in the city and the surrounding region. …read more

Source:: TPM

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