Sunday, 16 March 2025
    : :inin Kyiv (EET)

Section: Canadian Dimension (Canada)

      The Fall of the Berlin Wall and the Multiplication of Western Walls

      The Fall of the Berlin Wall and the Multiplication of Western Walls

      Photo by Edward Valachovic Introduction On November 9, 2014, Germany and its Western Allies, celebrated the ‘Fall of the Berlin Wall’ and the subsequent ‘reunification’ of the ‘two Germanys’. Prime Minister Merkel described the ‘historic event’ as a “victory of freedom for all peoples in Europe and across the world.” The...

      Russia’s Vulnerability to the EU

      Russia’s Vulnerability to the EU

      Photo by Remy Steinegger Introduction The US-EU sponsored coup in the Ukraine and its conversion from a stable Russian trading partner to a devastated EU economic client and NATO launch pad, as well as the subsequent economic sanctions against Russia for supporting the Russian ethnic majority in the Donbas region and Crimea, illustrate the...

      Ballots or Bullets: Democracy and World Power

      Ballots or Bullets: Democracy and World Power

      Photo by Pete Souza Introduction The principal reason why Washington engages in military wars, sanctions and clandestine operations to secure power abroad is because its chosen clients cannot and do not win free and open elections. A brief survey of recent election outcomes testify to the electoral unattractiveness of Washington backed clients....

      Reflections on a violent day in Ottawa

      Reflections on a violent day in Ottawa

      Photo from Public Domain I often find it hard to feel empathy for Prime Minister Stephen Harper. But when I saw the grim picture of him talking on the phone following the end of his confinement in the locked down House of Commons yesterday, I sensed in him a vulnerability he rarely exhibits. Harper, like his fellow MPs, Parliamentary staff,...

      From Israel to ISIS: Harper’s ‘Orwellian’ foreign policy

      From Israel to ISIS: Harper’s ‘Orwellian’ foreign policy

      Photo by SPC Ronald Shaw Jr., U.S. Army It’s getting difficult to remember a time when the Canadian Parliament actually tried to make principled decisions regarding foreign policy and our place in the community of nations. But we should try. Perhaps a first step in returning to such a time was the decision of the NDP and Liberal Party to...