Saturday, 1 March 2025
    : :inin Kyiv (EET)

Section: Daily Kos (USA)

    Donald Trump has successfully buried the story that worries him most

    Donald Trump has successfully buried the story that worries him most

    Even though there are mountains of evidence. Even though the implications literally include an existential threat to the United States. Even though it is, by any measure, the greatest scandal ever to affect this or any other administration … the story has utterly vanished from the media: According to the consensus assessment of US intelligence...

    Ron Wyden wants to remind you—the FBI knows things about Trump and Russia that they’re not sharing

    Ron Wyden wants to remind you—the FBI knows things about Trump and Russia that they’re not sharing

    It’s the story that Trump has been trying to avoid since he started his campaign. The one that Senate Republicans promised to investigate, then hoped that everyone will forget. Don’t need a select committee, don’t need to add staffers or increase the budget … oh, yeah, Republicans are all over this one. But there are a few...

    Russian-backed rebels launch new assault in Ukraine — Trump ‘played for an actual fool. Again.’

    Russian-backed rebels launch new assault in Ukraine — Trump ‘played for an actual fool. Again.’

    It’s not clear what Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin said to each other in their unrecorded phone call, but it is clear how that conversation registered with Moscow. After two years of relative calm, Ukraine’s war with Russian-backed rebels took a deadly and destructive turn this week, pushing one town in the country’s eastern...

    Trump officials condemn Iran missile test, ignore Ukraine violence as Putin smiles on

    Trump officials condemn Iran missile test, ignore Ukraine violence as Putin smiles on

    Vladimir Putin’s U.S. foreign policy appeared to be taking hold nicely Wednesday as White House press secretary Sean Spicer quickly punted on questions about rising violence in eastern Ukraine while national security adviser Michael Flynn condemned a recent Iran missile test. Flynn rushed into the White House briefing Wednesday to say the...

    Putin is either defending Trump, or demonstrating autocratic dictator level trolling

    Putin is either defending Trump, or demonstrating autocratic dictator level trolling

    It’s so difficult to detect snark on the Internet even from people you know. Add in a language barrier, the difficulty of the author being autocratic dictator who regularly orders the death of people for failing to bow low enough, and well … Asked about a dossier alleging Trump’s sexual activities at a Moscow hotel, Putin dismissed it...

    Popular vote loser Trump still miffed at intelligence officials, takes aim at outgoing CIA director

    Popular vote loser Trump still miffed at intelligence officials, takes aim at outgoing CIA director

    Donald Trump’s pint-sized ego is bruised and battered and he does’t have to take it anymore. So after outgoing CIA director John Brennan suggested that Trump might have more national security responsibilities than just tweeting once he’s pr*sident, Trump hit back. The president-elect took to Twitter Sunday evening to respond to...

    Trump is preparing to give Russia exactly what it wants: unlimited cash and a broken NATO

    Trump is preparing to give Russia exactly what it wants: unlimited cash and a broken NATO

    Donald Trump continues to insist that the contents of the recently-revealed kompromat dossier are completely “fake.” He’s whined about networks for reporting it and about intelligence agencies for supposedly releasing it, while pointing at statements from the Kremlin as “evidence” that it’s not true. But oddly enough, while saying the...

    Trump calls NATO ‘obsolete,’ promises to reward Putin for invading Ukraine … and whines about SNL

    Trump calls NATO ‘obsolete,’ promises to reward Putin for invading Ukraine … and whines about SNL

    Taking time out of his busy schedule of insulting civil rights icons with racist tweets, popular vote loser and Putin puppet Donald Trump has shared a few thoughts on foreign policy: On Russia, he suggested he might use economic sanctions imposed for Vladimir Putin’s encroachment on Ukraine as leverage in nuclear-arms reduction talks, while...

    Midday open thread: Scientists, California enlist in the resistance; the fanatic who will lead CIA

    Midday open thread: Scientists, California enlist in the resistance; the fanatic who will lead CIA

    Today’s comic by Mark Fiore is The Obama farewell addendum: What’s coming up on Sunday Kos … Obama’s farewell address: This is how you make America stronger, by Ian Reifowitz A curious case of Archie Bunker syndrome, by Propane Jane Obama’s last goodbye: Yes, we did, and yes, we still can, by Sher Watts Spooner Democratic...

    Rex Tillerson confirmation hearing for secretary of state liveblog #5

    Rex Tillerson confirmation hearing for secretary of state liveblog #5

    It goes on. x YouTube Video Wednesday, Jan 11, 2017 · 7:24:42 PM +00:00 · Mark Sumner The afternoon …read more Source: Daily...