: :inin Kyiv (EET)

Section: Daily Kos (USA)

    Trump’s transition team told to hold onto documents related to Russia as investigation expands

    Trump’s transition team told to hold onto documents related to Russia as investigation expands

    Though Donald Trump is anxious to declare the investigation into collusion between his campaign and Russia old and over, the truth is that it’s just getting started. Both the Special Counsel and the Senate Intelligence Committee are staffing up, and the Counsel’s investigation is expanding to look at new areas. Evidence of that...

    Special counsel homes in on Jared Kushner’s business dealings

    Special counsel homes in on Jared Kushner’s business dealings

    Investigators have now progressed from a general focus on Jared Kushner’s meetings with Russians last December to specifically scrutinizing his financial dealings. The Washington Post reports: The Washington Post had earlier reported that investigators were scrutinizing separate meetings that Kushner held with Russians in December — first...

    Jefferson Sessions testifies before the Senate Intelligence Committee— Live coverage # 5

    Jefferson Sessions testifies before the Senate Intelligence Committee— Live coverage # 5

    And the Sessions hearing marches on. Among the highlights at this point: Sessions admitting Comey did come to him with concerns about his meeting with Trump. He also claims to have no recollection of meeting with Russian ambassador Kislyak at the Mayflower Hotel, despite photographs of the two together, and is refusing to discuss any...

    Senate attempts to protect Russian sanctions from Trump’s tiny fingers

    Senate attempts to protect Russian sanctions from Trump’s tiny fingers

    Congress may not be able to hide the nuclear football when Trump is at Mar-a-Lago, and they’ve failed to get Trump to sit still long enough to fill critical open roles in government, but they are working to Trump-proof Russian sanctions. Senate leaders struck an agreement Monday to roll out additional sanctions on Russia and make it...

    House Republican calls terrorist attacks against U.S. enemies ‘a good thing’ and ‘a Trump strategy’

    House Republican calls terrorist attacks against U.S. enemies ‘a good thing’ and ‘a Trump strategy’

    No big deal, just Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, a Republican member of Congress, praising a terrorist attack in another nation as a “good thing” and wondering if maybe America can’t use ISIS terrorism as a weapon against our enemies. “We have recently seen an attack on Iran, and the Iranian government, the mullahs, believe that Sunni...

    Abbreviated Pundit Round-up: Winning hearts and minds, international edition

    Abbreviated Pundit Round-up: Winning hearts and minds, international edition

    Daily Beast: In one email exchange, a State Department official feels the need to explain that lowering punitive sanctions on the Russian oil industry would be rewarding Moscow—without getting anything from the Kremlin in return. “Russia continues to occupy Ukraine including Crimea—conditions that led to the sanctions have not changed,” the...

    View from the Left: Trump trashes the planet to distract from Russia

    View from the Left: Trump trashes the planet to distract from Russia

    Among Donald Trump’s cabinet members, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has thus far dominated the pr*sident’s time. By Politico’s count last month, Tillerson had met with Trump 22 times, while Environmental Protection Agency destroyer Scott Pruitt didn’t even get a mention in the tally (graphic below). Pruitt’s Oval...

    Trump is still spouting falsehoods about NATO, and it’s yet another sign of his incapacity

    Trump is still spouting falsehoods about NATO, and it’s yet another sign of his incapacity

    Donald Trump’s bizarre speech to NATO last week was yet another opportunity for America’s fact-checkers to do that thing they do, patiently explaining that even though this orange-hued fellow keeps huffing about the members of NATO owing us some cash, that is not even remotely how this works. But Trump is really talking about indirect...

    Special counsel Mueller adds to his investigation the probe of ex-Trump campaign chair Paul Manafort

    Special counsel Mueller adds to his investigation the probe of ex-Trump campaign chair Paul Manafort

    Sadie Gurman, Eric Tucker and Jeff Horwitz report: The special counsel investigating possible ties between President Donald Trump’s campaign and Russia’s government has taken over a separate criminal probe involving former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort, and may expand his inquiry to investigate the roles of the attorney...

    Time for Trump’s personal lawyer to lawyer up!

    Time for Trump’s personal lawyer to lawyer up!

    Welcome back, Donald! Your personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, now appears to be in legal jeopardy and has become a “focus” of the expanding Russia scandal enveloping your administration. But by all means, keep your son-in-law Jared Kushner on board and keep on tweeting! Cuz when it comes to criminal acts and sentencing, judges totally...