: :inin Kyiv (EET)

Section: The Huffington Post (USA)

    The U.S. Wants to Contain Russia But Cooperate With China

    The U.S. Wants to Contain Russia But Cooperate With China

    BEIJING — The Obama Administration’s policies in the Ukraine crisis appear to have troubles in two aspects: the rebalance to the Asia-Pacific and the containment of Russia. First, national strength in the United States is falling short of its ambitions. While conducting the eastward shift of its strategic center of gravity, or...

    Pabst Blue Ribbon, Iconic Hipster Beer, Sold To Russians

    Pabst Blue Ribbon, Iconic Hipster Beer, Sold To Russians

    Pabst Blue Ribbon is defecting to Russia. The 170-year-old Milwaukee brewery known for its acronymic hipster beer announced on Thursday night that it was sold to Moscow-based Oasis Beverages, a six-year-old beer and soda firm that operates in Kazakhstan, Belarus and Ukraine. “Pabst Blue Ribbon is the quintessential American brand — it...

    Winning Back the Hearts and Minds of Russians…

    Winning Back the Hearts and Minds of Russians…

    We have not been good at differentiating between Russia as a country, the Russian people and Vladimir Putin. Russian society as a whole has been kidnapped by its president. Mr.Putin could be congratulated for the swiftness of action, but he knows it is not that difficult to kidnap a physically frail, mentally vulnerable society, which has been...

    Congress Pays Ukraine Lip Service, Again

    Congress Pays Ukraine Lip Service, Again

    As newly elected Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko visits Washington and addresses Congress, the United States has a second chance to help Ukraine continue its evolution as a free and vital bridge between Russia and the West. I say second chance, because we missed the first time when it might have averted the painful conflict which has ensued....

    Political Read: Scot-Free? Scotland, America and the World

    Political Read: Scot-Free? Scotland, America and the World

    WASHINGTON — I have walked in parts of the Scottish Highlands that not only don’t look like England, they don’t look like they are on this Earth. There is no doubt that Scotland’s story is primarily its own. But Scotland’s story is also America’s story more than we tend to realize, and the Scots’ decision...

    Ukraine: Strategic considerations

    Ukraine: Strategic considerations

    In this essay I outline a strategic vision for the state of Ukraine. I begin with the main principles of the role of the state. I then argue that the Ukrainian state has largely failed to fulfill its role. I rejoice in seeing spontaneous volunteer efforts outside the failed state structures and suggest that instead of trying to administer a...

    CIA Privately Skeptical About New Syria Strategy, Sources Say

    CIA Privately Skeptical About New Syria Strategy, Sources Say

    WASHINGTON — At a recent closed-door congressional briefing on the administration’s new strategy to combat the Islamic State, a top CIA official left little doubt among those in the room about the agency’s attitude toward the project. The official’s muted approach to the briefing dovetails with what senior intelligence...

    Putin’s Latest Iron Curtain Call — Ukraine

    Putin’s Latest Iron Curtain Call — Ukraine

    We need to hold the line against Vladimir Putin’s drive to reassert Russian hegemony in Ukraine, but it is necessary to understand the political and historical context behind his actions to provide the perspective needed as U.S. foreign policy alternatives are crafted. As many scholars suggest, Russian foreign policy has been characterized...

    Ukraine To Screen One Million Civil Servants For Loyalty

    Ukraine To Screen One Million Civil Servants For Loyalty

    KIEV, Sept 17 (Reuters) – Ukraine’s prime minister said on Wednesday that one million civil servants, including from government ranks, will be screened for loyalty under new legislation to root out corrupt practices hanging over from the previous ousted administration. “According to our calculation, one million civil servants of...

    Pussy Riot Comes to Harvard and Gets an Incomplete

    Pussy Riot Comes to Harvard and Gets an Incomplete

    Two members of the Russian protest/music group Pussy Riot came to the Harvard campus Monday night to describe their thinking behind the movement that captured the world’s attention. The panel discussion at the JFK Jr. Forum at the Harvard School of Government drew a packed house of more than 150 Harvard students and faculty to see the women...